DP-Bind: a web server for sequence-based prediction of DNA-binding residues in DNA-binding proteins.

This web-server takes a user-supplied sequence of a DNA-binding protein and predicts residue positions involved in interactions with DNA. Prediction can be performed using a profile of evolutionary conservation of the input sequence automatically generated by the web-server or the input sequence alone. Three prediction methods are run for each input sequence and consensus prediction is generated. For more information on the methodology, accuracy of the predictors, and comparison to other methods please refer to the help link and supplementary information.

IMPORTANT: Please submit jobs with at least 3 second interval and do not submit more than 50 jobs at a time. Otherwise, the jobs will be deleted and your IP address blocked.


[Check the status of the job queue]

Step 1: Submit amino acid sequence in FASTA format:
Upload a FASTA file:
Enter FASTA sequence:
Step 2: Select one of the following encoding methods:
PSSM-based encoding (Recommended. The most accurate, but the slowest)
Sequence-based BLOSUM62 encoding
Sequence-based binary encoding
Step 3: Select a retrieval method of prediction result: [Output format] [Expected wait time]
E-mail the result automatically (Recommended):
Display a URL link to my process. I will check it manually.
(Data are kept on the web server for 24 hours, and deleted afterwards)


If you use this web-server, please cite the following articles:

Please address your questions and comments to Igor Kuznetsov
This web server was created by Seungwoo Hwang
